Ticks for everyone
Things are pretty hot and sticky down here at the moment so I don't like to be out for too long! This weekend I've managed to do nothing at all which is great. Last weekend was the Australia Day weekend and so that meant it was time to lay very low while the flag-waving idiots swarm all over the place drinking beer and going on about how Australians are better than anyone else. It really is a very unpleasant thing. I escaped up into the mountains which is very nice because Emily's folks are Kiwis.
The weekend before, I headed out around Windsor for a bit of bird-watching as a few unusual species had been reported in the area. Unfortunately I dipped on the Black-chinned Honeyeaters, the Ruff, the Grey Plover and the Bitterns but everyone else added loads to their lists (although, as we all know, Allan isn't keeping one!) with some top Cuckoo, Finch and Brown-headed Honeyeater action.