Sunday, November 22, 2009


Lane Cove NP

Its very warm here at the moment with the temperature up in the low forties today! Not much you can do when its like that so we've all been back to the sea for a bit of snorkeling over the last two weekends. Last Sunday we were in Gordons Bay and saw a nice Wobbegong shark and a lovely big octopus. Yesterday we ventured out to Little Bay and it turned up the usual swarms of Stripeys and also another octopus which had found a golf ball (the bay is right next to a golf course) which it had put across the opening to his hiding place.

A swimming Red-bellied Black Snake

I've been keeping an eye on the Powerful Owl which is still about up at Lane Cove NP and we popped in there last Saturday. The owl was sleeping but there were loads of reptiles about in the heat. A big Red-bellied Black Snake slinked off into the creek and effortlessly swam away. Just as well because they can kill you! There were also loads of dragons and skinks.

Eastern Water Skink

A cold change is due this evening and so the temperature tomorrow will be 20 degrees less. Much more comfortable. Thats until it gets hot again next weekend...

Eastern Water Dragon

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wildlife at work

Rainbow Lorikeet

Why wait until the weekends and head out into the bush to spot the wildlife when its all in the carpark at work? Lorikeets in the bushes, dragons basking in the sun and Powerful Owls up in the trees.

Eastern Water Dragon

Well, the owl is living over the road in the national park actually but its only a couple of minutes from the office. Its been roosting in the same tree for a couple of weeks now so I pop over every so often to check up on it. Today it had a ring-tailed possum in its talons but I didn't have my camera with me. Its a bit tricky to get a good picture with the dim light in the foliage but here are a couple of efforts...

Powerful Owl