Sunday, October 16, 2016

Summer's on the way

Spring is in the air - Australian Wood Ducks

Spring is well and truly in the air. The Channel-billed Cuckoos are making a racket and we're getting the odd warm day at last. The pair of currawongs in the back yard are nesting and so I fear that they'll be raising a couple of cuckoos again this year.

Above Wentworth Falls
We've had to go up to the Blue Mountains the past two weekends to look after the in-laws' one-eyed cat but that's no hardship as it just allows me to escape the city and recharge my batteries in the bush. We were able to get a little bit of walking in and the streams around Wentworth Falls turned up a couple of interesting creatures.

Brown Trout

Crayfish - Euastacus sp.

Back on the in-laws' verandah, the friendly King Parrots have now been joined by a Magpie and a Grey Butcherbird that will also come and eat from your hand. The cheeky butcherbird will even tap on the kitchen window for attention.

Cheeky Grey Butcherbird