Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Camping in the Capertee

Capertee Valley

It's with heavy hearts that we bid farewell to Allan who is returning to Denmark next month. Before he leaves though, he's off on a tour of Australia in the trusty Magna to give his bird-list (that doesn't really exist because he's not counting!) a final boost.

The Brown Treecreeper likes to hop around on the ground

He set off on Tuesday to cross the Nullarbor to Perth. He'll then turn right and travel north up the coast to Darwin before heading south to Alice Springs and then finally back to Sydney before the flight back to Europe. We'll all hopefully be able to follow the trip on his blog (link on the right) and keep up to date with the adventures and the critters he finds along the way.

Before Allan left we went for a last camping trip to the Capertee Valley. Tucked away on the west side of the Blue Mountains it's a wonderful spot that always delivers. Apart from a bit of drizzle on Saturday evening, the sun was out for the rest of the weekend and burning a few trees on the campfire kept the cold at bay.

Early morning at the campsite


I've a feeling that we might be seeing Allan and Gemma back here in Australia at some point in the future. Surely you can't leave the camping and snorkeling behind for too long!

Scarlet Robin

Meat tray

All the meats

I've finally hit the jackpot and won the members' meat raffle at our local pub! What a fine establishment the Glengarry is.