Sunday, June 17, 2012


Striped Marsh Frog

I'm back! In more ways than one as it happens. Sorry for the lack of updates in recent times but it's just been hectic. After getting the boot back in April, it transpires that the company that gave me the boot didn't actually exist and when the real company with the same name actually took over my old company, only then did they decide who they were going to keep and I, fortunately, turned out to be one of them. And so, just one day into a temporary contract back at Sydney Uni, I quit and was back at my old work which now has a different name but is pretty much unchanged except that a load of people are sadly missing. Crazy stuff. It all means that we're super busy now and I've been so tired and stressed that I've not really been up to anything extra-curricular.

Lake Canobolas, Orange

Last weekend, Emily and I finally managed to get away for the weekend to Orange which is out in the country 3 hours west of Sydney. There wasn't much to see out there on this occasion but it was just nice to get out of town for a couple of days. The weather held off as well which was good as the cold and wet has continued pretty much unabated for a long long time now. 

You may have noticed our typical current weather during the Australia - Scotland rugby last Tuesday. Sadly the game wasn't really advertised down here and I only noticed it was happening a couple of days before. As a result, I didn't manage to get up to Newcastle to see it. It was mentioned even less after the final score!


Hopefully things will start to calm down a bit now and I can start to get out and about again. My last visit to the hospital the other week was good as well and I'm now finished with all eye-drops after a couple of years of that hassle. The surgeon reckons the stitches can start to come out in August too. Hopefully this means that bird-watching and snorkelling are not too far away again. That would be very nice.