Another swamp at dawn - Jerrabomberra Wetlands, Canberra
Although the fishing was successfully resurrected up in Port Macquarie, the birding has been very slow. That was until last weekend when a Northern Shoveler turned up in Canberra. Not just any Northern Shoveler but I'd wager the exact same bird that I dipped on down in Leeton last year and likely the same bird that turned up at the same wetland in Canberra while my parents were visiting a few weeks after my Leeton failure.
Bedraggled Straw-necked Ibis
Reports put the bird at the Jerrabomberra Wetlands at dusk on the Saturday as I was driving down to Canberra. I was there a mere 14 hours later at dawn on Sunday but the shoveler was not. And the shoveler was still not there when I was forced to give up, cold and wet, at dusk. Perhaps the relentless rain did the job. At least there were plenty of nice kangaroos and native water rats to entertain me a little.
Bedraggled kangaroo
Bedraggled fox
That's twice now that this guy has given me the runaround. He's beginning to take on some sort of nemesis status.
Kanimbla on a sunnier weekend
Not much else in the way of news I'm afraid. A couple of trips up the hill to the in-laws and a bit of rubbish fishing in the harbour.
Cute ant cache
Macabre skull cache
More lockdown likely coming up soon so not many plans for the near future. As long as the Northern Shoveler doesn't reappear while we're confined to barracks. That would be just my luck!
Aptly named Toadfish