Sunday, April 10, 2016

The most ridiculous catch

Brush Wattlebird

It's all a tad hectic at work at the moment and so it was superb to have a couple of days off at the in-laws' over Easter doing pretty much nothing at all. Apart from a bit of golf course design that is!

Approach to the new par 3 first at Riches Avenue

We did discover that the never-ending bag of prawns in the freezer still had a few left though and so we've managed to slip in another fishing trip to the airport with bizarre results. Among the usual Tarwhine I managed to catch what I later identified as a Common Silverbiddy. A misnomer maybe as I've never seen or heard of one before. It's a strange looking little thing with a highly protrusible mouth which can extend out to form a long tube for foraging in the sand.


Common Silverbiddy

Not to be outdone, Emily raised the stakes on unusual and made possibly the most ridiculous catch yet by landing a seahorse on rod and line! I've absolutely no idea how this happened as the creature wasn't hooked in any way but I'm guessing it just wrapped it's tail around the line, like they do, and then couldn't be bothered letting go. Remarkable.

White's Seahorse