Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Tawny Frogmouth

I'm finally off work for the year and relaxing up at the soon-to-be-in-laws in the Blue Mountains. It was a hectic end to the year with too many deadlines and stress but now I've got just over a week off to try and recharge the batteries.

Back to Warriewood

I've not been up to too much recently save for another unsuccessful early morning trip to Warriewood Wetlands with Paul to try and find the Black Bittern. I feel Paul's starting to get the twitching bug and I think the Ostriches down in the Riverina may well be on the cards for some time in the new year!

Purple Swamphen

My last visit to the surgeon resulted in a go-ahead to return to the sea and swim again! I've not had the chance to do that just yet as we were thwarted on the first available weekend by a strange tide of red phosphorescent algae which closed Sydney's eastern beaches. As a result, I've been restricted to continued peering into rock-pools but you still see some decent stuff doing that. I'll be back in the water soon though.


My sight has stabilised at 6 dioptres and the surgeon reckons I'm on the limit of what glasses or contact lenses can fix. I'll be getting some new specs in January and we'll see how that goes. There's a chance another couple of stitches may have to be put back in to pull the eye back into shape but we'll think about that later on.


Here's wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy 2013's all round!