Warm and sticky
It seems to be that time of year now when it's warm but raining all the time so a bit unpleasant to be out. I'm still banned from swimming with my new eye and so I can't even get into the water to cool off. I'm seeing the surgeon again on Tuesday though so maybe I can get the green light to return to the sea.
The spiders love the warm and damp weather so they're swarming about outside with the odd incursion indoors. We had the fastest individual ever in the house a couple of days back. I timed him on a lap of the living room at about 5 seconds! Tricky to keep up with and tricky to catch.
We've been out here and there but with minimal walking involved! An unsuccessful twitch for Little Button-quail at Centennial Park and a trip to North Head have been about the limit of my efforts.
On Friday, however, I experienced one of my proudest ever moments. Published on the BBC live cricket commentary! Admittedly it was about 5am in the UK and so only a few expats writing in at that point in time, but my mediocre effort at humour regarding hypothetical cricketer's pubs was deemed worthy of a mention!