Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Lots and lots of rain recently meaning we can't get out and do much. It's ridiculously humid and quite unpleasant!

Red Wattlebird

We're not the only ones sheltering inside though. The cat found a baby Brush-tailed Possum hiding under the armchair on the balcony! Being an astonishingly pathetic cat she just sat there looking at it. Lucky possum.

Anxious possum

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


The young cuckoos have now left the back yard and are headed north for PNG or Indonesia so I suppose that means that Summer is now over. The cooler and drier weather has also seen the spiders disappear. We've not had one at home for a couple of weeks now so I'm feeling much more relaxed.

We've not had a Possum picture for a while

It's a different story up in the Blue Mountains at Emily's folks' place though. Happily the mountain spiders seem to be a lot calmer than their city cousins and tend to sit still for most of the time. If they do decide to move, they just amble away rather than the crazy running and jumping we have to deal with here in town.

Relaxed Huntsman