Mothers' day
Sunday was Australian Mothers' day so a very happy Mothers' day to all the mums out there both Australian and otherwise!
I was up the hill again looking for stationary objects to photograph for you. I was helped by the fact that the chooks' seed is attracting a bit of attention in local avian circles and at one point I counted 22 Crimson Rosellas in and around the chook house. They were still a bit wary but the resident male Bronzewing is quickly overcoming his fear of people. His mate is still swift to retreat but, unusually for the species, he'll allow a pretty close approach. He's a very handsome chap indeed with his apricot and chestnut cap and when the sun catches his wings you can see where he gets his name from. Maybe I'm just biased because he's a pigeon and I do like my pigeons.