Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hanmer Springs

 Hanmer Springs

Sorry once again for the lack of updates. I think I'll blame it on the Olympics this time. The free-to-air TV coverage in Australia is so bad that I've not actually seen any of it but I'm avidly watching the BBC text commentary which drags well into the night. I'm getting nowhere near enough sleep so I've been too tired to get round to doing anything really. Just a bit more whale-watching now and again.

It's been a while now since we got back from New Zealand but I have to put up a couple of pictures. We spent the first few days in Hanmer Springs for a milestone birthday of Roger's. I won't say which milestone but all family and friends showed up and we had a top time in the hot springs and local hostelries. 

 New Zealand Scaup

White-faced Heron

A day trip to Kaikoura also added one new bird to the New Zealand list. Not a lifer as they're pretty plentiful in Sydney but the Australasian Gannet or Takapu as the Maori call it was #64 for the trans-Tasman list.


Red-billed Gull


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