Monday, September 28, 2009

Dust storm

A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks with Kath and Dave coming to visit me down under and a ridiculous dust storm blowing into town as well. I'll briefly sum it up in a couple of posts...


Apparently it was a once-in-70-years storm whipped up by strong westerly winds and it swept into town last week. Sydneysiders awoke to a strange orange light and on opening the blinds, all you could see was a thick orange fog blocking out the whole city. Really weird. It cleared by late afternoon and the car washes started raking in the cash. NASA took a great picture of the dust strorm which you can see here.



At 6:42 am, Blogger Aleisha and Simon Iremonger said...

Wish I had been there to see that, looks pretty amazing.


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