Bits and pieces, this and that
Well you may have thought that getting my internet back would have meant a few timely updates to the blog but it seems that's not been the case. Nothing too dramatic has been happening but we have been getting out a little bit here and there. I've not been pulling my camera out though and so these are all Emily's pics from her phone. And very nice they are too!
Fishing at Bobbin Head
We had an old bag of frozen prawns left in the freezer and so it was high time to get rid of them with a spot of fishing. We decided to pop up to Bobbin Head in the Ku-ring-gai National Park and as usual the action was fast and furious but with nothing too big to write home about.
Baby Snapper
The whales are due back any time now on their northerly migration and so we've been over to the coast a couple of times. No sightings yet but the whale-watching boats are out and about so the first ones must be starting to pass through.
Looking for whales
There have been no unusual bird sightings for ages and so with a complete lack of twitching we've had to make do with the geocaching. A poor substitute for the birds but at least it does get you out into the bush to stretch the old legs.
Out in the bush with Rog
Fake rock geocache!
Up in the Blue Mountains the other week it not only stretched the old legs but almost broke them and then had them poisoned. In the middle of nowhere and navigating by GPS a small cliff decided to collapse and grazed my leg as it came down. I couldn't even move the chunk of rock after it had fallen it was that heavy and so it wouldn't have been too pretty if it had hit the leg square on. And then just around the corner a snake went slithering away. Ah, the good old Australian bush!
Random light festivals
It seems that the thing to do these days is to have yourself a light festival. They seem to be on everywhere all of the time. But actually I don't mind. I quite like a light festival.
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