Thursday, December 23, 2010

They're not all bad

St. Andrews Cross Spider (Argiope keyserlingi)

The big Huntsman spiders are absolutely loving the warm and wet conditions just now and you're taking your life in your hands if you head outside into the yard after dark! Not all of the spiders here are scary though. We have a lovely St. Andrews Cross Spider in the garden at the moment. They're so called because of the big white cross that they build into their web. It's not clear why they do that but I've read a few theories which suggest it may be for camouflage, it may be to attract pollinating insects as it's brightly coloured in the UV, or it may be for defence as the spider shakes the web vigorously when threatened which makes the cross suddenly appear like a solid block. Whatever the reason it's good for me as I've not walked into the web yet.

Merry Christmas!

Only one day left at work now before the break so Merry Christmas to you all and all the very best for the New Year.


At 8:35 am, Blogger Jarrod said...

We had a large huntsman on our balcony the other week. Luckily it was dead though. There are quite a few spiders in the bush at the moment. Will have to get you out for a closer look.


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