Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Doing the tourist thing

As you are no doubt aware, Emily and I headed back to the UK in July for a bit of a holiday and I'm sorry it's taken so long to put some pictures up. First up we spent a few days in London getting over the jet-lag and doing the tourist thing. We stayed in one of the LSE's halls of residence right in the middle of town on Tottenham Court Road which was tremendous value in a super location. We then proceeded to visit every museum, gallery and tourist attraction in the city.

Seeing the sights








With a new, very large memory card installed in the camera I was able to pass it over to Emily who went photographically mental and proceeded to fill said card as fast as she could. A few of the hundreds of pictures taken are shown over the next few posts.

The Victoria and Albert

The British Museum

It was warm and sunny in London, as opposed to the winter conditions down here, and I had a surprisingly good time wandering around town for a couple of days.

Tate Modern


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