Monday, June 25, 2007

Opera House concert (21st June '07)

Sports update: Well actually there is nothing to update because we've had the most abysmal weather here for a couple of weeks now. Lots of rain and flooding and gales and a cyclone which turned round at the last minute and headed back out to sea. Even my football on artificial turf has been cancelled. Things should be back on track this week although the forecast is for more light rain.

Suiting it up for the concert

On Thursday night I actually went to my first concert at the Opera House. It was the Sydney Symphony Orchestra along with a choir and the big pipe organ performing music from, of all things, computer games. Malcolm and Colly love their computer action so were mad keen and to be fair the music was pretty good in the end. It has to be said, though, that shouting out with joy at the sound of the theme from Final Fantasy is, in my opinion, sad!

Opera House

I'm happy to say I didn't know any of the pieces but the organisers were good enough to put up the relevant game on a big screen behind the orchestra. This provided much hilarity for the first few minutes of Super Mario Brothers.



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