Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Lapwing twitch

The twitch is on

A couple of days before we were all due to head north to the tropics, a mega rarity just happened to show up in Penrith at the foot of the Blue Mountains. As far as I can tell this is only the second Australian record for this species. Breeding in northeastern China and Japan and only getting as far south as Cambodia in the winter, this individual was well off track. It always amazes me just where a bird that's so way way off the mark chooses to land up. If I was a lost bird finding myself in entirely the wrong continent, I certainly wouldn't decide to stop in the middle of Sydney. Believe me there are better places to visit round here.
But no matter, that means easy twitching for me! An extended lunch break was all it took to add the Grey-headed Lapwing #468 to the list.

It spent a bit of time tantalising us from the gutter before standing up...
Grey-headed Lapwing


At 8:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think you managed to get me in the far left of the first shot there.
Didn't think I'd be caught out like that having a "sickie" to hunt a bird! lol

At 3:28 pm, Blogger Iain said...

I won't tell your boss if you don't tell mine! ;-)


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